This Page is for explanation of application "Mutagenesis Helper" (Apple App Store), a utility.

This App is designed for Researchers and Students in the field of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and will help in designing mutagenic DNA primer in Protein engineering operation.

(How to use)

1.Put in amino acid sequence with a KeyPad.

2.Tap "Decide" button to determine sequence.

3.Then tap "Analyze" for analysis.

4.Search results are shown below.

(How to see Results)

- Given amino acid sequence is de-assembled to 3-amino acid frame.

- Each 3aa sequence unit is to be on Search, because the App uses 4~6 base recognition restriction enzymes and the base sequence of restriction enzyme is covered in 3aa in every case. (You can edit enzyme list)

- Each result show possible introducible restriction enzymes and cognate base sequence.

- When you want to introduce restriction site without any amino acid replacement (example 1, upper, below), you can get the candidates.

- When you want to replace certain amino acid residue, use "Mutation" button to get candidate sequence.

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